
Covid-19 Policies & Procedures


Events will always have a designated COVID-19 Compliance Officer on site when crew will be working

  • COVID-19 safety plan will always be available on show site
  • Personal protective equipment will be provided daily as needed
  • Face coverings are to be worn by everyone on show site
  • Talent and crew will be informed in the use of PPE and social distancing
  • Digital or individual copies of all documents are to be provided to avoid sharing
  • Daily attendance log of all personnel on show site will be maintained
  • The show site is to be completely secure to prevent access by the public


  • Stop/start times staggered to reduce quantity ofworkers
  • A minimum of 6 feet distance between each person except to carry out certain work requirements.
  • A minimum of 8 feet distancing for music related productions for brass and wind sections and singers – or engineering controls such as plastic
  • Prohibit gatherings except for safety meetings or as strictly necessary to carry out tasks associated with the project
  • Prohibit visitors
  • Minimize interactions and maintains social 6 feet distancing of delivery workers and 3rd party staff
  • Prohibit staff from using others’ phones and/or personal equipment
  • Work tools that must be used by more than one person must be cleaned and disinfected with agent that is effective against COVID-19 before use by


  • Hand-washing stations or hand sanitizers will be at entrances to show site and in multiple locations.
  • Individual containers of hand sanitizer may be provided to each person upon arrival at show site each day as needed. Hand sanitation should be done frequently throughout workday


  • Personnel with signs/symptoms of COVID-19, and those who are quarantined, are not allowed on show site
  • Do not touch face with unwashed hands or gloves
  • Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water or rub on hand sanitizer for 20 seconds
  • Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces and objects frequently
  • Cover mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing or use crook of elbow or sleeve
  • Always maintain a minimum of 6 feet distancing
  • Screening protocol posted at entrance to show site
  • Cleaning and disinfection protocol will be posted or made available on show site


  • Cleaning and disinfecting done frequently of all high-traffic/high touch point areas including:

Meeting areas, lunch & break areas, trailers, entrances & exits, hand-wash areas, tools, equipment, counter tops, desks, tabletops, restroom fixtures, doorknobs, light switches

  • All personnel performing cleaning and disinfection provided proper PPE
  • Cleaning and decontamination are accomplished with good ventilation
  • Daily cleaning and vacuuming done by janitorial crew versed in COVID-19 protocols (at applicable venues)
  • Allowance of adequate time in the workday to allow for proper cleaning and decontamination will be provided
  • Disinfectant should be on EPA List N to assure protection against COVID-19
  • Trucks and vans are disinfected after each


  • Carpooling to and from show site is not recommended (except for members of same household)
  • Sharing food or beverage is prohibited
  • Use of microwaves, water coolers and other similar shared equipment is
  • Single serve containers of beverages and food are encouraged
  • Eating and drinking are only permitted in designated areas
  • Personnel advised to stay home if any symptoms related to COVID-19 are experienced


  • Conduct daily screening of all personnel who enter show site and at least once thereafter
  • Prohibit personnel who do not pass screening from entering show site
  • Report personnel who fail screening to management
  • Take remedial measures if any person on show site becomes symptomatic
  • Retain all attendance and screening results in separate file, maintaining privacy
  • Work with county health officer if called upon to do so
  • Ensure implementation of all recommended safety and sanitation requirements

Conduct briefings in person or via email:

  • Review sanitation and hygiene procedures
  • Solicitation of feedback for improving safety and sanitation
  • Convey updated information relative to COVID-19
  • Emergency protocols in the event of exposure or suspected exposure
  • Work ceases in all areas where ill person was until decontamination
  • Personnel in close contact with this person shall be quarantined for 14
  • Decontamination by outside vendor (or Venue staff) of the show site will take place upon discovering a person who is symptomatic
  • COVID-19 Compliance Officer is authorized to stop non-compliant activity and bring back to compliance


  • All food and drink must be in single serving containers or served by a single person / No Buffets
  • All additional Public Health Requirements to be followed
  • Food and drink will be consumed only in designated spaces


  • Hands on assistance with these services to be limited to talent that require it and cannot do it themselves
  • Talent and crew to sanitize hands before styling and costume session. Face masks to be
  • Talent to remain silent during make-up application to avoid spreading droplets

For questions or comments about this protocol

Contact name     Greg Decker                                                                                 

Phone number    (702) 438-5600                                                                         

Date Last Revised   September 1, 2020